February 14, 2018 Release Notes
Assign Training from Materials Screen
We gave you the ability to assign training to users straight from the Materials screen instead of having to go to the detail. You can only assign training that has been published though! One less click means more time for you to do other things!
Reset Password
In case you have a forgetful mind like some of us, you can now reset your password without having to log in. This will send you an email. So, as long as you can remember which email address is your username, you'll be able to reset your password with ease.
Populate Training Occurrences
We made the training occurrences stuff more stable in this code release. This means that every time you publish training, we are creating the right occurrences for those assigned the training. This behind-the-scenes process will get the job done. We also added the ability to require re-training for the new version or not - based on your selection.
Versioning of Training Materials
We now track which version of the training material is currently being run, and which version users are taking training on. For example, if you publish the material, and someone takes the training, and then you edit it and re-publish. Now that user's training is a version behind.
Ability to Re-take Training ★
We integrated the ability to re-take training. We keep track of how many attempts have been made on any given training, but allow the users to re-take training they wish to.
Updated Training Detail View ★
If you look at the detail view of a Training Material, you will notice a new change. We now show a grid of all Users that have taken that training, with the most recent version showing. However, if they have past versions, these will show under the carat icon, that you can expand to see.
Added Search Bar to Training Materials ★
You can now search freely!
Scan QR Codes
Finally. This. Is. Here. You can now utilize the camera on a laptop, tablet or phone to scan a QR code and it will take you to the thing you scanned. Yay!
Various Bug Fixes
We did a variety of bug fixes and changes to make the system more stable. This includes, but is not limited to the following:
- Menu Overlap Issue
- New Default Asset Image (The old one didn't even look like a machine.)
- Clickable Breadcrumbs
- Feature Request Cancel button returns a success alert
- Multiple Choice Selection Bug
- Adding Two Users in a Row Issue
- Roles not showing up in dropdowns Issue
★ denotes a feature that was requested by our customers. We want to make the system the best it can be, and want to utilize your thoughts to build the best system we can.