July 6, 2018 Release Notes

Safety Form Detail

We've added the ability to see all responses to any specific safety from from its detail page. Here you can view all responses, as well as details from the form itself.

Update UI of Grids

We've updated the grids to look a little more sleek and pretty. Just another small enhancement to make your experience that much better.

Menu Updates for Mobile

We've done some small enhancements to the menu so that it's more accessible and cleaner on mobile devices such as phones or tablets. Go ahead, try it out on your phone now!

General Updates for Mobile

We've fixed a variety of issues with mobile, including updates to the buttons and grids so that they look and act better on tablets and phones. As we move forward, we will continue to make small tweaks with these.

Bug Fixes

As always, there are some smaller (and sometimes larger) things we update/change along the way. This includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Category filter on Training Materials wasn't working correctly so we whipped it back into shape.
  • Searching and then filtering on Training Materials was acting like a child. We told it to grow up.
  • Radio buttons were not showing when completing a form. We had them take off their invisibility cloak.
  • We now redirect to the last page a user was at after they complete a form. 
  • All pins that were three digits have been converted to four digits, with a 0 at the beginning.
  • The activity detail on a user now correctly shows the user that completed it, not the user logged in. Which is weird and shouldn't have happened in the first place.




★ denotes a feature that was requested by our customers. We want to make the system the best it can be, and want to utilize your thoughts to build the best system we can.