March 29, 2018 Release Notes

Ability to update Categories for Checklists

On the Category management screen in the Admin section, you can now check and un-check Categories for Checklists. Only those with "For Checklist" marked will show up when creating/editing a checklist.

Checklist Detail Page

From the Checklists menu item, you can now see a detail view of any checklist. On the detail, you can see every time a checklist has been taken, and who it was taken by. You can also view all of the items on that checklist, and their signature by clicking the "View Details" button.

Restricting Training Materials ★

You can now set training materials to only show up for those assigned, and not for the general public. To do so, navigate to any training material, and while editing it, set the "Restrict to Assigned Users" to "Yes."

Updated Design of Notifications

We updated the look of the email and text notifications that come through. These are now prettier.

Ability to Print Groups of Tags

Under Admin in the menu is a new item for Tags. On this screen you can see a list of all tagged things in the system, and filter down to only what you want to see. You can then print these.

Default Site on User ★

Added the ability to set a default site for the user. This will be used for changing sites in the next sprint. 

Updated Color Picker ★

The color picker now has a different set of default choices. These choices come from the WCM colors. Also, when selecting a color, you can choose a custom color instead of one of the preset choices. This allows you to keep colors consistent in and out of the application.

Training Materials Tab on Assets and Areas

You can now see the Training Materials that are available for you to take on any Asset or Area by going to the Training Tab. This information will only allow you to take it if it's not restricted from you, but will show if you're assigned or not.

Checklists Tab on Assets and Areas

On the Asset and Area details, you can now see any Checklists associated with that Asset or Area. You will also be able to see all times it has been taken, and complete the checklist from there.

Complete Checklists

You can now complete checklists! By going to the associated Asset or Area, you can take any checklists that are there. If incomplete, you will be able to continue a checklist from these screens.

Checklists show in Activity

When a checklist is completed, this shows in the relevant activity feeds of the User, Area and/or Asset.

Required Fields Framework

Our front end now shows which fields are required when creating or editing things within the system. These are noted by a red asterisk (*) next to the field.

Filtering of Asset/Area Column on Training Materials Grid ★

We've added the ability to filter the Training Materials Grid by Assets or Areas. 

Categories Column to Training Materials Grid ★

You can now see the Categories associated with Training Materials from the grid.

Bug Fixes

As always, there are some smaller things we update/change along the way. This includes, but is not limited, to the following fixes:

  • There were some issues with uploading documents over the last two weeks. We've done some small fixes to mitigate these.
  • We found some duplication of training material questions when editing them. We fixed this and their evil twins no longer roam the system.
  • You can no longer delete a step from training materials if it is the only step.

Changes to Permissions/Securables:

  • Added
    • Admin.Tags
      • Admin.Tags.CanView
      • Admin.Tags.CanPrint



★ denotes a feature that was requested by our customers. We want to make the system the best it can be, and want to utilize your thoughts to build the best system we can.