Personnel / Groups - Add / Remove People From Group

Need to add or remove users to a group? We've got you!

If you don't know how to create a group, check out this article first!

Heads up! You'll need the "Personnel -> Groups -> Can Create & Edit" permission in Noviqu to add or remove users from a group. You will not have the option to do so if you do not have the correct permissions.

  1. First things first, head on over to the Personnel / Groups page to get started.

  1. Find the group that you are wanting to add or remove users to and click on the group card to be taken to the detail page for that group.

Half way there! We're going to split this article up into two sections now. The first section is how to add people to a group. The second section is how to remove people from a group. Feel free to read through both sections or just scroll to the one applies to you.

Adding People to a Group

  1. Click on the Add Users button in the top right of page.

  1. A new dialog should pop open. This is where you can select people to add to the group that aren't already in it. Once you've made your selection, click the Save button in the bottom right.

That's it! You now know how to add people to a group in Noviqu!

Removing People from a Group

  1. Find the person that you would like to remove from the group. They are listed in the grid on the groups detail page.
  2. Once you have located the person that you would like to remove, click on the Remove button to the right of their name.
    1. NOTE: Depending on your screen size, you might have to horizontally scroll to see the button.

That's it! You now know how to remove people from a group in Noviqu!

Still having issues? Reach out to us directly at