Areas - Area Detail

The areas detail page is where you can view all of the activity for an area as well as make any updates to the details. Let's dig into each section below!

Details / Editing

You can update the details for an Area, like the Name, Description, Site, etc. by simply clicking the edit icon next to the Area Name. This will slide out a new window allowing you to edit the area information.

Heads up! You'll need the "Core -> Areas -> Can Create & Edit" permission in Noviqu to edit/update areas. You will not see the Edit Icon if you do not have the correct permissions.

In the Edit Area window you will see a list of fields that you can update for the area. All fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are required.

  • Name - The name of the area.
  • Description - A description of the area.
  • Other Identifier - If this area already has an identifier external to Noviqu, feel free to put it here for record keeping/organization.
  • Site - Pick which site this area belongs to. Learn more about sites here.
  • Parent Area - If this area is a child to another area, you can select the parent here. The parent area must already exist in Noviqu in order to show in the list of options.

When you're all done, simply click the Save Area button!

Activity Tab

The activity tab shows all activity related to this area in Noviqu. It's great for keeping on top of what is going on within a specific area in your facility.

Learning Tab

The learning tab is where you can see all learnings that have been associated with this area in Noviqu.

This is great if you need to organize learnings by area and makes it easier for everyone in the organization to find ones that are specific to an area.

You can associate an area with a learning by going to the learning's detail page and associating the area under the Associations tab.

Notes Tab

The notes tab is used for... you guessed it, notes! There's really not much more to it. Jot down anything related to this area for future reference. Friendly heads up that anyone that can view an Area's Detail page can view all of the notes.

Heads up! You'll need the "Core -> Areas -> Notes -> Can View" permission to be able to see notes on an Area. You'll also need the Create & Edit permission to be able to create notes on the area.

That's it! Hopefully you now have a good idea of how to best utilize the Area Detail page.

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