Admin / Roles - Create or Update Role

Want to know more about what roles are and how they are used in Noviqu? Check out the Roles Overview documentation.

Note: If you do not already have some permissions granted for the Roles page, then you might not be able to follow any of the below steps. If you do not have permission, someone else in your Organization likely does and can grant you the correct permissions (noted in the steps below).

If you continue to have issues, please reach out to us at and someone can help you out.

Creating a New Role

  1. Login to your Noviqu account and then navigate to the Admin / Roles page by using the menu on the left-hand side.

  1. Once you get to the Admin / Roles page, click on the Add New button in the top right to start creating a new role.

Heads up! You'll need the "Admin -> Roles -> Can Create & Edit" permission in Noviqu to create new roles. You will not see the Add New button if you do not have the correct permissions.

  1. A window will slide open where you can fill in the information for the new role. All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.
    • Name - Give the role any name you'd like (Team Lead, Manager, HR, etc.)
    • Description - A description of the role
    • User Type - The type of user the role can be assigned to. If it is assigned to a User type then the permissions will be limited. A Manager type allows for all permissions in Noviqu to be selected/assigned. Learn more about role user types here.
      • Note: The user type cannot be changed after a role has been created.

  1. Once you have everything filled in, click on the Create Role button in the bottom left corner of the New Role window.

  1. If all went well, you should see your newly created role in the grid with all of the other roles!

Now that you've created a role, you need to assign some permissions to it! Keep reading to learn how to do that.

Assigning Permissions to a Role

  1. Login to your Noviqu account and then navigate to the Admin / Roles page by using the menu on the left-hand side.

  1. Once you get to the Admin / Roles page, find the role you want to update permissions for and then click Actions -> View Permissions.

  1. In the window that opens, you can flip through each tab and assign the permissions that you'd like to the role.

  1. When you're done, click the Save button in the bottom right of the window!

Heads up! Any permission changes to a role will require all users that are assigned that role to log out and back in to their Noviqu account for the changes to take effect.

Editing a Role

This section describes how to edit an existing role. You will only be able to change the Name and Description for the role. If you are looking to update the permissions for the role, please see the section above titled Assigning Permissions to a Role.

  1. Login to your Noviqu account and then navigate to the Admin / Roles page by using the menu on the left-hand side.

  1. Once you get to the Admin / Roles page, find the role you want to update permissions for and then click Actions -> Edit.

  1. In the window that slides open, you can change the Name and Description for the role. You cannot change the User Type for an existing role.

  1. When you're done, hit the Save button at the bottom of the window and the role will be updated!

Still have questions? Reach out to us directly at